Carolina College
From the Raleigh Christian Advocate, the North Carolina Christian Advocate, and the Journal of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, regarding Carolina College.
Complete texts of the transcripts are available as part of the collection inventory.
The photos used to illustrate the articles have been pulled from Rhoda Holden McMillan's scrapbook.
ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA, December 5 to 10, 1906
L. S. Massey submitted and read report No. 2 of the Board of Education which was adopted:
WHEREAS, the citizens of Maxton and vicinity have proposed to the North Carolina Conference to establish and equip a seminary for girls at Maxton, North Carolina, and to present the same to the North Carolina Conference without any encumbrance or financial responsibility on the part of said Conference, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that we do hereby commend the establishment of such institution, and do appoint the following as trustees:
A. J. McKinnon, J. W. Carter, Luther T. Cottingham, Rev. E. McWhorter, Rev. M. Bradshaw, Rev. A. P. Tyer, W. N. Everett, W. H. Neal, W. R. Land, W. H. Humphrey, J. A. Huggins, Frank Page, W. B. Cooper, A. S. Thompson, J. B. Schulken, C. E. Lyon, Rev. S. E. Mercer, Q. K. Nimocks, H. L. Godwin, T. A. Green, F. A. Woodard, F. A. Daniels, Edgar W. Smith, J. A. Green, Rev. G. T. Adams and Rev. J. E. Underwood.
NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, December 4-8, 1907
Report of the Board of Education
Your Board is gratified at the progress that is being made in the building of the seminary for girls at Maxton, North Carolina. The financial agent informs us that the property is now worth about forty thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars of this being in the grounds upon which it is to be built. One building is underway of construction, and the agent seems hopeful that the work will be rapidly pushed to completion.
DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, December 9-14, 1908
Report of the Board of Education
We desire to call the special attention of the Conference to our school for girls, now being enterprised at Maxton, N.C. This school is splendidly situated in the midst of a most prosperous and sturdy people. Hitherto this wide section has been without a Methodist School, and we have lost much and suffered much for lack of school facilities there. We bespeak the good will of the whole Conference for this institution, and commend the movement to the good will and aid of our preachers.
RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, November 24-29, 1909
A. P. Tyer introduced the following resolution which was adopted.
WHEREAS, the cause of education in North Carolina is receiving greater consideration at the hands of her citizenship than ever before, and a widespread awakening seems to be upon our State, and the day seems to be at the dawn when she will take rank in her educational institutions and methods with the foremost of her sister States;
AND WHEREAS, we believe that the educational leaders of our Methodism in North Carolina and the constituency back of them have been agitators and promoters of this cause, and have had much to do in creating the awakening that has come;
AND WHEREAS, we believe that our church should march in the front rank of this movement, and should be thoroughly equipped to do her part of the work;
AND WHEREAS, we believe in the equal education of our daughters with our sons;
AND WHEREAS, among the many excellent schools which we have for our daughters in the bounds of Southern Methodism, but few of them have standards equal to our colleges for our sons: therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that a commission consisting of seven members of our church be appointed by the Conference to take into consideration the founding of a high-grade college for women, the same to be the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South and under the control of this Conference.
And the said Commission is hereby authorized to hear propositions and to prepare plans and to report to this Conference at its next session.
J. F. Bruton
R. B. John
J. G. Brown, J. F. Bruton, R. B. John, G. F. Smith, H. M. North, J. N. Cole, J. S. Wynne were appointed members of the commission called for in the above resolution.
ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, November 30 – December 5, 19l0
Maxton College
The trustees and friends of this institution have been making, during the year, a brave and earnest effort to complete its building, and have expended during the year $13,383.37 on it.
We bespeak for this institution the cooperation of our Methodist people and hope soon to see the building completed and turned over to the church free from debt.
KINSTON, N.C., November 22-27, 1911
Report of the Board of Education
We recommend the appointment of S. E. Mercer, President of Carolina College.
In speaking of the transfer of Rev. S. E. Mercer to Maxton to take charge of both the church and the college work there, a special to the Morning Star says "Mr. Mercer is well-known here, and will receive a warm welcome from the members of his congregation and from his friends among other denominations. He is also the President of Carolina College and high hopes are entertained that he will carry the erection of this institution to a successful consummation."
Carolina Methodist College
What have we at Carolina College?
To begin with, we have an unusually fine location. The campus contains twenty acres of land. A part of this is covered by an elegant grove of native oak.
What kind of building have we?
The size of the building is two hundred feet by one hundred and sixty-four feet.
The material is a fine quality of red press brick and North Carolina gray stone. The only college building in the State that will compare with it is the new administration building at Trinity College, Durham, N.C. And it is the best female college building in Southern Methodism.
What is the capacity of the building?
In the basement, gymnasium with shower bath room connection and kitchen and dining-room, refrigerator or cold storage room, and room for laundry plant, etc.
On the ground floor are nine large lecture rooms, president's office, ladies' parlor, book rooms, etc. On the second floor we have dormitory capacity for one hundred and fifty girls.
Hot and cold water will circulate throughout the entire building. Every section of the building will be supplied with bath and toilet rooms.
We have an auditorium that has a seating capacity for one thousand people. All danger from fire has been absolutely precluded by supplying every section of the building with fire hose, etc. The building will be worth one hundred thousand dollars.
When will Carolina College be ready to open for students?
The heating plant, the plumbing, the plastering, etc., are all contracted out; and unless someone falls down on a contract we will open in September.
What will it cost to complete the building?
To install the heating plant will cost seven thousand and eight hundred dollars. The plumbing will cost three thousand dollars. The plastering will cost two thousand and two hundred dollars. The electrical work will cost eight hundred dollars. The inside flooring and trim work will cost three thousand dollars. And then the building is to be furnished from start to finish.
How about the money? Have we money enough to do all this work? Well, now really, that is a startling question. No, we lack just a little of having enough. But we are receiving checks nearly every day. Twelve thousand dollars more will open the doors of Carolina College to our young women in September.
Now, let me ask you a question. How much of this twelve thousand dollars will you give? I myself will be one of the twelve, or one of any number above twelve, to do it.
S. E. Mercer
Linen and Kitchen Shower Given for Carolina College
The most enjoyable social event which has been given in Maxton this season was the linen and kitchen shower given under the auspices of the Carolina College Club Thursday evening, September 5, from 8 to 11 o'clock. The beautiful rooms of the Commercial Club had been tastefully arranged by a committee of ten, of which Mrs. A. J. McKinnon was Chairman. The Carolina College motto, "We can and we will" most exquisitely designed, was suspended above the entrance to the west room. The guests were received in the beautiful south room, where tables had been arranged to receive the gifts for the dining room and kitchen. They were then ushered into the west room, where they enjoyed a few moments of delightful intercourse. The crowd was then called to order by Mayor McKay McKinnon, who outlined the program for the evening.
A chorus, written by Miss Jimmie Croom, the intelligent and highly accomplished daughter of Dr. J. D. Croom, was sung by a bevy of Maxton's sweetest young ladies. It was rather in the form of a toast to Carolina College and President Mercer, adapted to the music of "Ho for Carolina." After this Miss Katie Lee McKinnon, the beautiful and highly gifted daughter of Major A. J. McKinnon, recited in her own inimitable way "The Blue-Back Speller," specially adapted to Maxton. These selections were received with tremendous applause. A regular old-time Spelling-Bee was then participated in for some time, much to the amusement and enjoyment of those present, as well as to the discomfiture of some of the "A. B.'s and A. M.'s and M. D.s" etc. The prizes for the best spellers were awarded to Mr. R. D. Croom and Mrs. Dr. McClelland and the consolation prizes went to Miss Anna Clarkson and Mrs. McKay McKinnon, after which the guests departed, voting this a most profitable and enjoyable occasion.
Mrs. S. E. Mercer
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., November 27-December 2, 1912
Report of Board of Education: Carolina College
We commend the liberality of Maxton and the deep interest shown in building and establishing Carolina College. We endorse the work of President Mercer and most heartily thank him for his tireless energy and unfailing faith which enabled him to open the college September 25, 1912.
OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA, December 3-8, 1913
Report of the Board of Education
Carolina College has a faculty consisting of fourteen well-equipped teachers. The school is doing fine work. Besides the Literary Department we have departments of Music, Voice, Art; also a Business Department and Expression and Physical Culture. We try to emphasize the religious part of the work and additional to their regular course in Bible we have Mission Study Classes and Sunday School work.
The school during this scholastic year has enrolled eighty-seven (87) students. The dormitory space is taxed to its full capacity and the College is in great need of a dormitory.
On Wednesday night the Choral Class rendered a splendid program in the college auditorium. The stage effect was a beautiful snow scene. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by the large audience.
The entertainments given in the auditorium during the fall term have been of a high order and greatly enjoyed. Besides a number of recitals given by the departments of Expression, Vocal and Instrumental Music, the Alkahest Lyceum System has given some very instructive and interesting programs.
The Y.W.C.A. has a strong organization among the students and some good work has been done under the leadership of Miss Clarkson, who is at the head of this department.
Many improvements have been made during the fall term. The campus has been graded and beautified and much new equipment has been installed. This consists of gymnasium apparatus, laboratory equipment, new pianos, new typewriters, equipment for Departments of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, besides furniture for the bed-rooms.
President Mercer has moved his family into his new residence immediately in front of the college. The second floor will be used for dormitory for the present. These are large, light, comfortable rooms which will accommodate sixteen young ladies. Rooms for six have already been applied for, leaving room for ten more.
Carolina College closed its second year May 20. The many friends of the school will be gratified to know that in attendance, in the quality of the work done and in the personnel of the student body, the school has had a most successful year.
In spite of financial stringency and the handicaps of poverty, many material improvements have been made. We nearly doubled our bed-room, kitchen and dining room equipment, besides adding new pianos, books for the library, etc. Our splendid gymnasium hall, which was planned at the beginning, so as to get the very best results out of this kind of work, has been furnished with ample equipment for the present, and we have put in good equipment in the chemical and physical laboratory.
The departments of Domestic Art and Science were put in the past year with the necessary equipment, and, although this was our first year in this work, eighteen students were enrolled in these departments.
Our Art class was unusually large for a school the size of ours, numbering nineteen. There was some very fine talent in this class and the exhibit in this department at commencement would have done credit to a much larger and older school than ours.
Some of the young ladies who took the business course are holding responsible positions now.
Our teachers rendered faithful, efficient service and we will have practically the same faculty again the coming year. We kept a registered nurse of many years' experience in the building all the time.
We had a young lady of the finest Christian Character with us who had charge of the Y.W.C.A. and looked after the spiritual welfare of the students. In one year she brought our Association to where it is one of the best in the State.
During the year a home for the superintendent of the grounds has been built together with other smaller buildings. Through the kindness of Brother J. W. Carter we have been enabled to provide room for forty more in the boarding department. We expect to be taxed again this year, even with our increased capacity.
One of the sad things connected with this work is that there are so many bright, worthy young women who are eager for an education, are appealing to us for help which we are unable to render. We are going to assist all we possibly can, but even then, we shall have to turn away many whom we desire to see educated.
S. E. Mercer
Carolina College has had a very good opening. We have just a few more boarding students than last year. Unfortunately we have had to pay heavy tribute to the war.
Carolina College is located right in the heart of the great cotton belt and has suffered on account of the demoralized financial conditions. Until just a little while before school opened, it looked like we were in the midst of a year of great prosperity. The cotton crop was good and the prices good. We had worked hard all the summer for students and had them lined up from Dan to Beer-Sheba, and then the war came on almost suddenly and in a few days farmers couldn't realize any money from their cotton crops and they began to write us that it was impossible for them to send their girls to college. We have lost about 40 per cent of the girls we would have had under normal conditions.
There were but very few changes in the faculty. The new ones, as well as the old ones, have entered upon their work earnestly and enthusiastically. The student body constitutes a fine working force.
There are not as many students doing special work this year as last year. The Literary Department is much stronger. The freshman and sophomore classes are both large and well organized.
S.E. Mercer
WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, November 18-23, 1914
From Board of Education Report of the Educational Commission: Carolina College
The report of Carolina College shows a loss in attendance of a number of students, there being only 67 students this year and a faculty of 12. Your Board has appointed a committee consisting of A. P. Tyer, Judge Walter Neal and S. B. Mercer to examine the charter and report to our next annual conference the exact relation of this institution to the church.
WILMINGTON, N.C., December 1-6, 1915
Report of Board of Education: Carolina College
Carolina College reports an enrollment of 106 students. The charter has been amended so as further to secure the ownership of the college to the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The treasurer's report shows the net resources of the college over liabilities to be $124,098.28.
Your Board has appointed the following committee to investigate the claims of this institution to be ranked as a B grade college, and if they feel justified in so doing to recommend its classification as such: J. M. Ormand, B. S. Barnes, J. B. Hurley.
The commencement exercises will begin on Sunday, May 14th, when Dr. C. W. Byrd, of Greensboro, will preach the Baccalaureate sermon at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, May 14th, at 8:00 p.m., sermon before Y.W.C.A and other religious organizations, by Rev. C. W. Byrd, D.D.
Monday, May 15th, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Art exhibit (Art and Domestic Art).
Monday, May 15th, at 8:30 p.m., the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held in the president's office. Monday, May 15th, at 8:30 p.m., Operetta in College auditorium.
Tuesday, May 16th, at 11:00 a.m., Literary address, by Rev. R. H. Bennett, D.O., of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The graduating exercises will take place at the close of the Literary Address.
Tuesday May 16th, at 8:30 p.m., Recital by the Departments of Piano and Voice.
In many respects this has been the most successful year in the history of the college. Fine work has been done in all the departments.
It has been the purpose of the College, from the beginning, to put the opportunities of a college education within reach of all worthy young women.
Besides our regular boarding department, in which we furnish very attractive rooms and board at a cost of only one hundred and twenty-five dollars a year, we are putting into operation what we call a Co-operative Club system.
There are a great many students who haven't much money who can bring practically all their provisions from home. If they do not want to do this, the matron will board them for eight dollars per month, the girls taking turns in doing the housework. The work will be comparatively easy with the conveniences provided in the house. This will not interfere in the least with their studies. This plan makes it possible for almost every ambitious young woman to secure good college training. We feel that this experience will be a valuable asset after college days are over. We still have some room in our regular boarding department, also room for a limited number in the Club building.
There are many people who can assist young women in getting a start in college. We have in mind now a leading laymen and his wife (we are not at liberty to mention their names) who are providing money to send two young women to Carolina College this coming year. This is an investment that yields dividends far more valuable than any material dividends could possibly be. In this way, we develop many of our best teachers and church workers. The wife of a prominent laymen who assisted a very fine young woman last year and who is going to do the same thing this coming year stated recently that she has gotten more pleasure out of this act of benevolence than anything she has ever done.
S. E. Mercer
Though there has been but little publication of it in the press, it had become rather widely known that Rev. S. E. Mercer, who for the past five years had been president of Carolina College, tendered his resignation to the Board of Trustees at the recent commencement of the institution, and that the same had been regretfully accepted.
"I hereby accept the Presidency of Carolina College to which position I was elected by the Trustees of said institution, and notified in person by the Trustees in session August 8th, 1916."
- Sincerely yours, R. B. John
Brother John is well known to our readers, having been for many years a prominent member of the North Carolina Conference.
These are busy days on the campus. Everything is being put in readiness for the opening day, September 12. We have a force of men at work painting, murescoing, etc., and putting the park in order. We venture that no students will find a more attractive home awaiting them. None will receive a more cordial welcome. Former students will be on hand to welcome the new ones and make them "feel at home".
Our normal course will be under the special direction of Miss Covington, of South Carolina, who has about twenty years' experience in this kind of work. It is our purpose to make this course intensely practical and helpful. The Teacher Training course will conform to that outlined by the State Board.
Students who do creditable work in this department here are exempt from examination in order to get certificates to teach in the public schools. Our purpose is to place in the public schools of the State the very best teachers that it is possible for them to have. Besides surrounding our girls with the very best Christian influence, we are striving to give them just as good training as they will get in any State school.
Dancing at Methodist Female Colleges
By Evangelist J. V. Williams
I realize, that to speak, on this subject will not make me friends, but on the contrary will surely cause condemnation by many church people. What is to matter with this dancing question, anyway? When I was a boy long years ago, they said it was a sin, and everywhere the Methodist Church stood against it.
Today you don't hear Methodist preachers, as a rule, speaking out in the pulpit against this evil. Why? Our Church has not changed any of its deliverances on the subject, but somehow, we have become broad in our Church life. I am told at that all our Methodist Colleges dancing is allowed.
No, they don't give balls, and invite the young men to come to a hugging match, but they play the piano, and give lessons among themselves, and the president of the college winks at the detestable business.
God help us preachers to stand for Him and His cause against the world, the flesh and the devil.
Mattituck, N.Y. October 1, 1916
Dancing at Methodist Female Colleges
Referring again to the above subject... we were not in personal doubt as to what these replies would be, but we are glad to have these authoritative statements to lay before our readers.
Dear Brother Massey: Referring to the recent article in the Advocate by Rev. J. V. Williams on "Dancing at Methodist Female Colleges", and in which he says. "I am told that at all our Methodist colleges dancing is allowed", I wish to make the following comment: In order that I might be sure that I was making a true and accurate statement as to Carolina College, I called the student body together and explained the article to them and asked them pointedly as to whether or not dancing is carried on at Carolina College. Their testimony is that we do NOT have any dancing at Carolina.
The attitude of the administration has been against worldliness in every form. Dancing is by no means the only point to be guarded. I have tried to impress upon the students continually that the one great purpose in the process of education is to get all their talent in available form so that they can use it in unselfish service for the good of the world and the glory of God.
S. E. Mercer
DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, December 6-11, 1916
Document No. 16, Board of Education: Carolina College
Carolina College reports an enrollment of 90 students with 12 teachers. This institution has been placed by the General Board of Education in Class C, though but for a lack of laboratory equipment it should have been placed in Class B. We are glad to hear that there is another new building worth $6000. In this building there is conducted a cooperative club, reducing the annual cost to the girls taking advantage of this to $100. This institution is reducing her debt and doing better work each year.
We regret the resignation of Rev. S. E. Mercer as president, and call attention to his faithful and efficient work here; but we note with great satisfaction the election of Rev. R. B. John to succeed him.
Board of Education: Carolina College
We record our pleasure at the high character and fitness of the teachers and administrative officers of this youngest of our educational enterprises, and commend it to the people of our Conference.
There has been this year an increase in attendance of more than 20 per cent.
We endorse the movement to raise $100,000 to payoff the indebtedness of $25,660 and to build a new dormitory.
May Day exercises were held on Wednesday afternoon the first of May. The finely wooded campus immediately in the rear of the main building was made the setting. There the throne was prepared, and the May Pole set up. When the hour appointed had come, Misses Gladys Dixon and Nell Walker, ran in advance and called for the "Queen", Miss Esther Geddie, a senior, had been chosen queen, and at the call she advanced in all her stateliness gowned in soft white. Her train was carried by little Miss Margaret Stanton of Maxton. Following the queen were Miss Mary Ella McCall, first maid, and in pairs, Misses Jeddie May Bristow, Juanita Cameron, Tina Fussell, Callie Pridgen, Pearl Adams and Virginia Wellons. These were in pink, yellow, and green costumes. They gave the shadow figures before the queen and were then seated around her throne. Following the seating of the maids others wound the May Pole in the patriotic red, white and blue.
Again the trumpets sounded and, like a fairy, from "somewhere" came Miss Louise Townsend to express in aesthetic movement her adoration of the queen. She elicited most enthusiastic applause from the large company of spectators.
A wee jinrisksha with red, white and blue decorations was drawn up by Misses Sallie Hart and Mary Gladys Judd. In it sat Miss Mattie Ward in Japanese costume, with parasol and fan. She alighted and tripped lightly to the center and sang well a Japanese ballad. Miss Mary Woodley, a skillful student-performer, was at the piano throughout the exercises.
All the town is full of praise for this most beautiful interpretation of the spirit of May. The exercises were under the direction of Miss Worth, physical director.
Almost at the outbreak of influenza the college began preventive measures and so far no symptom has developed among the faculty or student body. Plenty of outdoor exercise is taken but it is away from and not toward the center of population. No visitors are permitted in the buildings -- all business being transacted in the open. Vitality is kept fully at par. Thus it is hoped to continue to be spared an invasion of the disease.
The girls of Carolina are "in the fashion" when it comes to picking cotton. They go at certain times to the nearby fields and work with a will to help save the crop, and win for their contribution to some worthy cause a sum not to be despised. Further than this they are organized in squads for work inside the house to relieve the shortage of labor which is felt in the cotton sections in keen degree.
Some of the exercises of the college of a public nature that were scheduled to take place now soon have had to be postponed on account of the fear of influenza.
GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, December 11-16, 1918
Carolina College has slightly fewer students than a year ago, but they are an exceptionally fine body of young women, and the faculty is unusually strong. Fortunately this institution has thus far been spared a visitation of influenza, and the health of the students has been of the best. We commend with all our hearts this excellent institution to our people.
The Christmas holidays opened the way to us for a few cases of "flu." One of the teachers who had spent the vacation in New York came back with the disease, and one of the students arriving the same day from Wilmington brought a case. From these there developed fourteen other cases. The seventh day from the first development, the last to be taken was up. There was no really sick girl of all the sixteen. Recitations were not suspended for an entire day during the time. Examinations were postponed for a week, so the actual work of the spring term was not begun until February 8. Since that day the work has gone with speed and regularity.
The Lyceum course of four numbers gave its last entertainment on the evening of March 10. This was an evening of music furnished by the Hawaiian Quintette. Student recitals in piano, voice and expression are being held each Monday evening. These attest both excellent training and application.
WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, November 19-24, 1919
Carolina College Carolina College is one of our younger institutions and we express our joy over its growth.
ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA, November 17-22, 1920
Carolina College
This institution has been classified as a junior college, having ceased to give the A.B. degree, and offering only two years of standard college work. While this change caused the loss of some students already entered, the loss has been more than made up by the entrance of other young women, and the college is having its best year.
Carolina College has enrolled for 1920-1921 its largest number of boarding students. Every available room is filled. Sewing and storage rooms have had to be converted into space for girls. The Domestic Art Department has been moved into one end of the gymnasium. This is a well lighted and heated space, but not adequate for the needs.
The college is this year making its first trial of Student Government. The organization has taken definite form, and is begetting in the whole body of students a sense of responsibility, both personal and for the institution, that promises higher levels of character. Greater poise is evident, and a new pride for the good name of the college has been manifest since the students themselves determine so largely the what and how of their conduct.
The demand for a dormitory is imperative. There can be no expansion until it is built.
Situated in what Dr. John claims to be the best farming section of the state, Maxton is favored with the presence of Carolina College, which has just closed the ninth year of its history. Sunday morning dawned bright and clear, and although the weather was unusually warm, the large auditorium was perfectly comfortable at 11 o'clock, when the congregation assembled for the annual sermon. Gentle breezes playing through the windows, birds chirping in the spacious grove outside and school girls dressed in fresh white apparel furnished the surroundings for an ideal service.
All of the churches of the town closed for the occasion, and Brother Siler of the Presbyterian Church participated in the service, which was conducted by Dr. John, the president of the college.
NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, November 16-20, 1921
Carolina College
This institution is making noble efforts to supply the need for Christian Education in its section of the state and under the guidance of President and Mrs. John is in no small way succeeding. The enrollment is slightly smaller than last year.
The Advocate learns that Rev. R. B. John has tendered his resignation to the board of trustees as president of Carolina College, Maxton. The resignation was reluctantly accepted. A committee was appointed to secure a new president.
Last week was commencement at Carolina College, Maxton, N.C.
Honorable Josephus Daniels delivered the commencement address. His subject was woman's part in politics. There shall be no attempt here even to give quotations from the address so well adapted to the occasion and the times in which we live, when woman enjoys equal political rights with men. Mr. Daniels is not afraid of the new, but he at the same time appreciates all the fine things that belonged to a former civilization.
Opening of Carolina College
The opening exercises which were held at Carolina College, Maxton, on Thursday evening were the most impressive witnessed in years. The magnetic personality of President Green seemed to radiate everywhere. His indomitable courage, his idealism, combined with his splendid executive ability and training in educational fields have made everyone convinced of the splendid future ahead of Carolina College.
E. M. Knauth
RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, November 16-20, 1922
Carolina College
At the close of last scholastic year Rev. R. B. John , who has been president of this junior college for several years, tendered his resignation. As his successor the trustees have chosen Mr. Ernest J. Green. The enrollment is slightly larger than last year.
Carolina College Closes with Interesting Program
To one who entered the Carolina College grounds last week for the year's finals, it was very evident that the spirit of progress was there guiding and furthering some worth-while operations. On every hand vast improvements were noted. Ormond showed half of its rambling porches converted into cozy sun parlors, the work of the teachers themselves. The interior finished anew in old ivory and fitted with fresh dainty furnishings made an ideal home atmosphere. It is certain that many delightful evenings have been enjoyed there by the college family. Rustic benches, attractive flower beds and a hedge of roses and evergreens made the campus intensely inviting - a sight pleasing to look upon.
The art exhibit was open at 5 p.m., as was the work of the home economics department. The work of these departments was even more appreciated that night when an informal reception at the college brought most of the townspeople together in a most delightful way. The faculty and students entertained, and the degree of pleasure experienced by their guests was in a way estimated by the large number who availed themselves of this privilege. Delicious cream and cake and punch were served. One of the triumphs of the art department was the beautiful collection of hand painted china. Many ladies in town enrolled for this course, and a dinner set painted in forget-me-nots was the center of attraction, the work of Mrs. E. J. Green. There were many other sets as dainty as flowers in spring, though not so striking in appearance.
The Dormitory
The dream of the fine people of Maxton is taking shape now and several cars of brick have been hauled to the north wing of the campus, where soon will go up the new home of the girls who will come here in ever larger numbers for training.
Carolina College
We commend the administration also of this institution for earnest and successful efforts. The enrollment is larger than last year.
Carolina College Commencement a Great Occasion
On Sunday morning, May 25th, the people of the community, all denominations united, filled the large auditorium to hear the commencement sermon by Dr. Thomas A. Smoot, pastor of Main Street Methodist Church of Danville. Va. And they were not disappointed, for this truly great preacher, both in the morning to the graduates and at night to the members of the Y.W.C.A. at the Presbyterian Church, touched life with the fine touch of his Christlike personality -- and character was dignified, service exalted, and life, like the burning bush of old, was aglow with the glory of the divine. This was a day that will always be rich in memory, and many will be more able to follow the trail of God because of the kindly light of his powerful message.
Monday, alumnae day, was a red-letter day; for many of the girls trained here years ago returned and renewed the fires of love on the altar of their cherished mother. Spending the day on the campus, now blossoming like a rose, they lived over again the happy days of the past, and inspired by what had been done for the college they so much love, they dreamed for her great things for the future.
At six o'clock in the beautiful grove the faculty, student body, trustees and alumnae found their places around the spacious tables and enjoyed the feast of Brunswick stew, prepared by our good friend, Mrs. Billie Green, after which the alumnae went into a business session. At nine o'clock, honoring the senior class and the alumnae, many came together in an informal reception.
The year came to a close with an old-fashioned picnic in charge of Mrs. Rufus Williams, president of the Carolina Club, and Maxton was never more lavish in its hospitality.
A working president, a faithful faculty, a studious and loyal student body, an enthusiastic board of trustees, the Rockingham and other districts of the east solidly back of its every effort. Surely all, even the old Thomases, can join in the chorus: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
A Friend of Carolina College
WILMINGTON, N. C., NOVEMBER 12 - 16, 1924
Carolina College
Advances mark the work of this school. The practical completion of Mercer Hall without debt adds near $50,000.00 to the value of the plant and furnishes space and equipment greatly needed in the work of the institution. A successful summer school was carried on through the summer this year and is in line with the larger service that is being rendered.
Carolina College
This institution is our youngest and is small in its number of students and faculty, but fine in its spirit and quality of its work and loyalty. Its buildings are good. It maintains the standard of a Junior College as respects the requirements of the church and of the state. Its especial field seems to be the education of poor girls. An effort is being made to secure an endowment.
A Great Spiritual Awakening for Maxton Community and Carolina College
What is the relation between the church college and the community? Often it is the relation of antagonism. Many times there is a strained relation between the two that makes a spirit of love and co-operation almost impossible. The church sehool is a child of the church and a most vital relation should exist between the two. One should be an asset to the other.
Carolina College has been brought into a closer relation with St. Paul's Methodist Church at Maxton. The pastor, Rev. R. F. Munns, is the college chaplain, and has a big place in the heart of the student body. Christ is doing a great work for both the College and the community through our pastor.
We believe that God has blessed us richly this year by bringing to us such a splendid pastor and such fine friends and visitors.
Virginia Bowen, Senior Class
Carolina College Commencement
The commencement program of Carolina College began with Carolina College Day at St. Paul's Methodist Church in Maxton on May 16. At the 11 o'clock hour Rev. W. V. McRae of Aberdeen preached a very thoughtful sermon to the Y.W.C.A. This service was the beginning of what proved to be the greatest commencement in the history of Carolina.
The following Sunday, May 23, the college auditorium was filled by the people of Maxton of all denominations together with many friends from Lumberton. The sermon to the graduating class was delivered by Rev. T. McM. Grant of Lumberton. His sermon was both forceful and inspiring. On Monday afternoon the college gave a fish fry complimentary to the alumnae, after which the alumnae had a very enthusiastic meeting and pledged themselves to some definite work for the college. At 8:15 p.m. the graduates of the music department gave a recital which was enjoyed by a host of friends. Immediately following this a reception was given by the college to the 24 graduates. This was in charge of the patronesses, friends of the college in town.
Tuesday was graduation day. The exercises were short, beautiful and impressive. Rev. E. C. Few of Hamlet said the final words for the college to the graduates. There was no mistake made in selecting him for the service. His talk was well thought out, forcefully delivered and well received. Mr. E. J. Green made a brief report for the trustees. He told of the standardization of Carolina College as a junior college, stating that a graduate of Carolina could now obtain a Class C teacher's certificate, also that on completing the two years course here that a graduate could graduate in two years in a four year college. He told of the splendid work of the student body this year, which resulted in only three subjects failed on, or to express it in terms of percentage only a little over one per cent. This record was made with very close grading. He then presented Rev. T. McM. Grant, who told very enthusiastically of the interest of the preachers of the Rockingham district and of their determination to place one hundred students in the college for the fall term and also to raise an endowment.
At one p.m. a barbecue, for which Maxton is famous, was given by the college to the trustees, preachers of the Rockingham district, college family and visiting friends. At two p.m. the trustees met.
Keep your eye on Carolina, for something is going to happen, and this institution will take its place among the outstanding junior colleges of the South.
Dr. J. Allen Hunter of Bessemer College, Va., became the new president of Carolina College, Maxton, N.C., and takes the place of Prof. E. J. Green, who resigned to accept a position with Columbia College. S.C.
DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, November 10-15, 1926
Carolina College
We regret that Carolina College was not able to open last fall. The reason was that the president resigned in the summer. When the trustees canvassed the situation in August, they found it too late to secure a president and faculty, so they decided not to open the doors for this year. However, the prospects for a larger student body last September were brighter than for many years. The Board recommends the following:
That a commission be appointed to consider the whole case of Carolina College and report its findings to the Board of Trustees of that college not later than February 1, 1927, and that the trustees of said college be instructed to act according to the advice of this commission.
RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, November 9-13, 1927
Concerning the Appropriations to Carolina College
If after the liquidation of the assets of Carolina College as ordered by the Conference, there shall remain a balance of the present indebtedness still unpaid, this appropriation shall be applied to same; provided, that any balance of the appropriation remaining after all debts shall have been paid shall be held by the Treasurer of the Board of Education to be used for educational purposes for causes within the Conference as the Board of Education shall direct.
Realizing the growing need for great educational advantages and equipment for our people and rejoicing in the development along these lines, it is the sincere opinion of this board that the educational institutions under the supervision of this Conference do not incur indebtedness beyond the sight of immediate possible payment and that this Board cannot endorse plans for the liquidation of any indebtedness incurred without first having the approval of this Conference Board.
WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, October 31 - November 4, 1928
Report of Board of Education: Carolina College
In agreement with a resolution passed by this Conference last year, Mr. H. A. McKinnon, receiver for Carolina College, announces that this institution has been sold to the Synod of the Presbyterian Church for the sum of approximately $35,750 for the establishment of a boys' school. This amount will be sufficient, it is believed, to liquidate the indebtedness on Carolina College.
We note with sadness the passing of Rev. S. E. Mercer, whose influence was largely felt in the history of Carolina College.
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