Christopher Cronin, PhD

Professor of Political Science
B.A., Saint Michael’s College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
Dr. Cronin received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His first book (The Cross, the Fall, and the Resurrection) looks at the Social Gospel Movement and the Democratic Party. His second book (Mormons in American Politics) deals with the rise to power of prominent Mormon politicians. His ongoing research focuses on religion and politics.
Research Interests:
Religion and politics, Fundamentalist rhetoric, minority religions in majority politics, social movements and religion, religious leaders as political leaders
Personal Interests:
Volunteering, softball, guitar, hiking, the Cubs, the Patriots, and the Durham Bulls.

Professor of Political Science
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Florida State University
Dr. Trapp specializes in International Public Policy, Conflict Theory, and Methodology.

Andrew Ziegler, PhD

Chair & Professor of Political Science; Director, Tally Center for Leadership; Lura S. Tally Professor of Leadership
B.S., Florida State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida
Andrew Ziegler joined the full-time faculty of Methodist University in 1998. He helped design the MU Leadership Program in which students can receive a Minor in Leadership Studies or Church Leadership. Recently, he helped develop the Leadership Fellows Program.
In April 2014, Dr. Ziegler received the MU Cleveland Award for Excellence in Teaching, and in 2017, he was named the Lura S. Tally Professor of Leadership. His two favorite courses are LSS 3000 Principles of Leadership and PSC 4600 Political Science Senior Seminar.
Before coming to Methodist, Dr. Ziegler served as an Infantry officer in the United States Army, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was commissioned through ROTC at Florida State University.
His military awards include the Combat Infantryman Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Air Assault Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, and Army Commendation Medal.
One of his favorite Army assignments was teaching Political Science at the United States Military Academy at West Point. His advanced degrees are in Political Science from the University of Florida.
His publications include articles in peer-reviewed journals, a book chapter, and a co-edited book on comparative politics. He has also presented papers and served on panels at various academic conferences.
Currently, Dr. Ziegler serves on the board for Fayetteville’s Institute for Community Leadership and volunteers with the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Alliance. Previously, he served on the Executive Council of the North Carolina Political Science Association.
Dr. Ziegler enjoys traveling, jogging, and dancing, and he is President of the Cape Fear Ballroom Dancers.
He and his wife, Kalli, have been married for over 40 years, and they reside in Fayetteville, NC. They have two adult daughters and three grandchildren.
Research Interest:
Leadership development