Tripp Hupman

Tripp Hupman

Appalachian State University

Methodist made my decision of which PA school to attend an easy one; I attended my first interview of the cycle at Methodist, and then promptly cancelled the others I had scheduled before I even left Fayetteville. The experience I had that day with the staff and current students painted the picture of a program that bred the most competent and professional PAs in North Carolina. I am happy to say that the program has exceeded any and all expectations that I had, and I am reminded each and every day that I made the right decision. The reputation in the area, small class size, experience of faculty and staff, and of course PANCE pass rates are frequently mentioned reasons to attend Methodist; but there’s way more to it than that. The students and faculty of this program cultivate a family atmosphere with a common goal that is not demonstrated elsewhere. PA school is a long and arduous journey, but with the Methodist family at your side you will flourish and become the best PA you can be.